FREE Online Training for Your Business

Inventors: Transform Your IDEA Into a Successful Invention

How to Validate Your Idea, Make Sure it is Unique, Develop an IP Strategy and a Winning Pitch.

Alan Beckley - Inventor of the Wonder Wallet

LAUNCH Your Invention


Wednesday, November 15th

  • 8:00pm - 9:30pm (New York)
  • 7:00pm - 8:30pm (Dallas)
  • 5:00pm - 6:30pm (L.A.)

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We’ve Identified 6 Errors That Cost You Years of Wasted Time and $$$ Thousands. Our 6-Phase Plan will Verify, Validate, & Create a Retail-Ready Product. 

  • Most Ideas are Losers: Spending time, effort, and money on the wrong ideas prevents you from achieving success. We show you how to select one idea that can make you money.
  • Invention Marketing Companies: Bilk you out of thousands, giving you nothing of value. We tell how to avoid them and how to find bona fide resources to provide real value for you. 
  • Spending Thousands on Ideas That Aren't Patentable: Are you about to waste thousands on an interesting (but unpatentable) idea? Our free DIY methods for patent and retail research insures you pursue inventions that are unique and patentable. 
  • Creating Prototypes and Molds too Soon: Did you know your initial prototypes can (and should) be made by you in most cases? We show you how to find affordable resources in your own market to help you with testing and refining until your final design is ready.
  • Presenting to the Right People, but Delivering the Wrong Pitch: Are you planning to license your product? The first 2 minutes of your pitch will either rivet their attention or have them fidgeting and checking email on their phones. We show you how to deliver the right pitch.
  • Rushing Out to File a Patent: Money spent early is usually wasted. You need an IP strategy that fits your product and your budget. Corporations have focused IP strategies, you should too.

If you’re experiencing any of these problems in your business, then this live training is for you. 

Also, this is a live virtual online event. You only have one chance to join us LIVE. We start in. . .


Important: This is the first time a webinar by inventors for inventors has been developed. Make sure you don’t miss it. Click below to register now.